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What is Rewilding?
Over the course of human history we have sought to manage nature to our advantage, making progress and mistakes along the way. Rewilding corrects the errors we have made.
Rewilding rewinds the clock and returns land back to a previous state, one which is more economically and environmentally viable. As a species, humans continually strive to innovate and find economically efficient ways to make our lives easier. We have since realised that some of the short term gains we have made result in long-term pain. Over hundreds of years we transformed our natural and nutrient-rich wild lands into neatly sectioned fields in order to support intensive farming, which has since reduced wildlife's natural habitat and destroyed ecosystems.
Anyone familiar with Sir David Attenborough's documentaries will have heard the term 'biodiversity' - meaning, a large variety of different species of plants and animals. The combination of naturally occurring flora and fauna that exists has evolved over millions of years and plays a part in maintaining the world's natural balance. When humans strip the landscape of its natural variety in order to intensify the growth of a few select types of lifeform (crops & livestock), we upset the balance. This has both economical and environmental consequences.
Life-Supporting Cycles
All naturally occurring systems work in cycles, the water cycle being one example - water evaporates, is carried in the atmosphere, condenses into clouds, is released over land, flows into rivers, and returns to the sea. This is Planet Earth's natural 'watering can' and is just one such life-supporting cycle. When areas of lack biodiversity, because humans only allow a select handful of plant & animal species to live and thrive, we break numerous other life-supporting cycles by omitting the other species that are required to play their part in the various cycles.
As a result the soil cannot replace nutrients leading to weaker crops, the soil cannot retain water leading to flooding, and the earth cannot absorb carbon contained within the atmosphere leading to rising temperatures. This disruption has a knock-on effect and significantly disrupts the planet's other systems. If we consider our further unnatural overcontribution of mass-carbon emissions into the atmosphere, we arrive at the point where the weather systems, the water cycle and carbon cycle, can no longer behave in a way that will continue to support life.
Climate Countdown
In the late 1800s humans powered the second industrial revolution by burning fossil fuels and as a result made significant advances in technology, medicine, transport, communications and food-production. Our continued success has supported global population growth and with it, our demand for housing, jobs, and our consumption of food, energy and resources. Over hundreds of years we have transformed huge swathes of the natural world to suit our specific needs but have eradicated vital ecosystems in order to do so. We have generated the energy we require by burning fossil fuels, but have released massive amounts of carbon into the atmosphere as result. While our actions have advanced the human race in the short term, the combination of habitat-degeneration and the increase of carbon in the atmosphere is crippling the planet's ability to cope and, post-2030, the Earth's climate systems will have changed irreversibly.
Humans are naturally adventurous, ambitious and inventive as we continually strive to make advances, break records, and reach perfection. Having achieved a goal we typically focus on improving efficiency by maximising the desired outcome while reducing time and cost. Our driven nature must now be applied to solving the climate emergency, not only to reduce our negative impact, but to reverse it. The 2020 Covid-19 lockdowns reduced global emissions by 7%, but this will be short-lived as emissions are predicted to accelerate beyond 2019 levels post-Covid. To solve the climate crisis not only must global emissions be reduced by 100%, but we must accelerate carbon assimilation, a process integral to the naturally-occurring carbon-cycle where carbon is drawn out of the atmosphere and restored to the ground, made possible by plants and animals. Rewilding land and restoring natural ecosystems therefore plays an absolutely vital role in Earth's ability to draw-down carbon and regulate the carbon in the atmosphere.
NaviHo is profit-for-purpose and rewilds land, reinstating habitats to help restore the planet's carbon assimilation capabilities. NaviHo promotes the use of renewable energy in place of fossil fuels and supports other rewilding and carbon-capture initiatives. A holistic approach must be adopted when implementing any solution, and in this case the rehabilitation of the planet must be considered alongside our human need for income generation, housing and food. To this end, NaviHo provides eco-friendly housing solutions built to endure adverse weather phenomena and supports the launch of Project Skyllen. This project will accelerate carbon-drawdown as a means of increasing food production whilst utilising minimal land and resources. The initiative will draw down more carbon than it produces, and provide jobs to support local communities. Concentrating the area of land required for food production whilst providing employment enables surrounding areas to be returned to nature through rewilding.
Your Support
NaviHo utilises its profits for purpose by investing in nature, but our efforts can be greatly accelerated with your help. There are three key ways you can support our carbon-drawdown & rewilding projects:
To be kept up-to-date of our progress join our rewilding mailing list to be informed of our rewilding news, or alternatively join the NaviHo online community to receive all of our most recent news and updates. We thank you and greatly appreciate your support.